Press Release
Official Statement Regarding the Michigan "Time to Care" Propsal:
“The Michigan Time to Care proposal sounds more like ‘trick leave’ than sick leave to me,” said Justin Winslow, President & CEO of the Michigan Restaurant Association. “The trick is using a popular catch-phrase like ‘sick leave’ to mask a far more radical proposal that is dramatically outside the mainstream.”
Additional comments from Winslow regarding the proposal:
Additional comments from Winslow regarding the proposal:
- When voters realize that the Michigan Time to Care Proposal would be by far the most extreme paid leave time mandate in the country, the trick will be on us.
- When employees start losing benefits they already have so employers can meet the myriad demands of this ridiculous proposal, the trick will be on us.
- When voters understand that California’s statewide leave time mandate is less than half as onerous on business as the Michigan Time to Care proposal, the trick will be on us.
- When employers learn what “rebuttable presumption” means and how it will negatively impact employment going forward, the trick will be on us.
- And when we all learn that this campaign was financed entirely by Washington D.C. dark money, not by the people of Michigan, the trick will most definitely be on us.
About the Michigan Restaurant Association
The Michigan Restaurant Association (MRA) is the recognized leader of Michigan's hospitality industry, providing essential services to the foodservice community. Founded in 1921, the MRA represents nearly 4,500 Michigan foodservice establishments. The industry plays an integral role in Michigan's economy, employing more than 440,000 people and creating nearly $16 billion in annual sales
The Michigan Restaurant Association (MRA) is the recognized leader of Michigan's hospitality industry, providing essential services to the foodservice community. Founded in 1921, the MRA represents nearly 4,500 Michigan foodservice establishments. The industry plays an integral role in Michigan's economy, employing more than 440,000 people and creating nearly $16 billion in annual sales